How to Find Perfect Keywords for SEO Without Any Paid Tool?

How to Find Perfect Keywords for SEO Without any Paid Tool?

Keywords are the words and phrases that make up your content. They are used to help search engines like Google understand what your page is about.

Keywords are the foundation of SEO, but they aren’t the only thing that matters.

Keywords are important because they help people find your content. If you want to be found online, you must include keywords in your title tags, meta descriptions, and throughout your body copy.

Keywords also help Google determine which search results to show users. That’s why choosing keywords relevant to your business, products, or services and target audience are important.

Are you looking for the perfect keywords for your SEO campaign but don’t want to spend much money on a paid keyword tool? Luckily, there are a number of ways to find great keywords without breaking the bank.

Ways to find Perfect Keywords for SEO Without any Paid Tool.

1. Use Google’s Search Bar

Use Google’s search bar to find keywords. You can type in any keyword you want and see what comes up. If you’re looking for something specific, use quotes around the phrase. For example, if you wanted to know how to make a good cupcake recipe, you could type “how to make a cupcake recipe” into Google’s search bar.

2. Check out YouTube videos

You may not know it, but YouTube has a lot of information about different topics. Videos tend to rank higher than text content, so they should help you get some ideas about what people are searching for online. Watch videos related to your niche and see what types of terms people are using to describe them.

3. Look at Competitor Websites

Competitor websites are often a great way to learn what keywords people are using to find your website. Go to their site and look at the pages that have the highest traffic. This gives you insight into what words people are searching for.

4. Ask questions on Quora

Quora is a question-and-answer website where people ask questions and answer each others’ questions. People love answering questions, so if you ask a question about your topic, you might get some great answers!

5. Use Google Trends

Google Trends lets you track searches over time and compare them across countries. It shows you how many times certain phrases were searched for over time. It’s a free tool, so go ahead and give it a try.

6. Read Blogs

Blogs are a great place to read about trending topics and find out what people are talking about. Blogs might not always be accurate, but they’re still worth reading.

7. Talk to Customers

If you own a business, talk to your customers. Find out what kind of products and services they need. Then, tell them about your product and see if they’ll consider buying it.

Final Words

The whole point of this is for you never to have to pay for these tools again. The information given in the article should be more than enough to help you create your own keyword list, saving you a ton of money in the process.

In addition, a Digital Marketing Course in Noida will help you get started with the tools provided in this article. With a little bit of time, some patience, and a lot of practice, you’ll be able to figure out how to use these tools on your ow