How Long Does It Take To Recover From a Hair Transplantation Procedure?

Hair Transplantation Procedure

A hair transplant procedure does not require a lengthy post-op recovery period. It is simple and the recovery period is very less. Below we shall take a look at some of the points regarding the same.

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Office procedure

  • A hair transplantation procedure is an office procedure, a cosmetic surgery and does not take much time to recover from.
  • Hair transplantation is very simple in comparison to other surgeries such as heart surgeries, kidney surgeries etc.
  • The word surgery may scare people into thinking that there might be a long recovery. However, it is not so. It would be rather surprising for many that after a head transplantation procedure, the recovery period is negligible two none.
  • The fact that science has evolved and the hair transplantation field has benefited greatly from the innovation in technology, facilitates painless, scar less, time-consuming and scary techniques. There are different techniques nowadays that can be used for a hair transplantation procedure like the direct hair transplantation technique. It is a technique in which the recovery time is very less and it is a painless technique.

India has some of the best hair transplant surgeonsand in their experience, the recovery after a hair transplantation procedure takes very less time.Multiple patients who have come over time to the clinics to get their procedures done have been proof enough for us to have a generic idea about the recovery time after a successful head transplantation procedure. We have seen patients who come to the clinic to clean donors for seven days after surgery and slowly recover over a week. We have also seen individuals who come during the course of the year to the clinics and thus exhibit a gradual growth on their scalp until the full results are achieved.

The recovery period after a hair transplantation procedure is 7 daysor a week.Working professionals can join their offices from the very next day of the surgical procedure.It does not hamper their work and does not leave them incompetent or incapacitated in any manner. In fact, it would be safe to say that they wouldn’t even feel the hair transplantation surgery on their scalp.

Immediately after a hair transplantation procedure, the patients are given full instructions regarding the postop care and they are also handed over the post-surgery care kits. This kit contains all the necessary products for aftercare after the surgery is completed.

Post surgery care

  • The first step to boost after-surgery care is to keep their donor clean.
  • The second is to keep the recipient area hydrated and moisturized.
  • Last but not least is for patients to take their medications regularly and also apply the given ointment in the donor area.
  • The medications that are given to them are antibiotics, antacids, painkillers and lotions that can help accelerate the healing process as well as control and subdue any irritation or pain in the scalp. These medications can also help with the prevention of infections.

The first seven days after the transplantation procedure are crucial for the patient. The recipient area has to be saved from any form of touching, bumping, scratching or any other physical contact which would be probable in dislodging the grafts from the recipient area. Even while sleeping, the positions are taught by the doctors so that they can sleep safely and not disturb the graft.

Post the 7th day

  • After the 7th day of the transplantation procedure, it is time for them to have their first head wash.
  • The scalp is washed properly using shampoo and the recipient area scabs I removed properly.
  • The patient can even wear a tight hat after those days. For the seven days after the transplantation procedure, the patient is not allowed to wear a tight hat but rather a loose cap provided by the clinic. The patient can also wear a bandana on top of the loose cap.
  • After the 7th day of the transplantation procedure when the patient gets his first head wash the medicationwill also be stopped.
  • The patient will no longer need to wash their donor every day or spray their recipient area every day after washing their head.
  • The scalp is completely healed and there might be a mild tingling sensation or numbness on the scalp for the coming month and 1/2 or two months. The numbness is due to the damage of the nerve endings when the slits are being made and the grafts are being extracted from the donor area. These nerve endings shall regenerate and hence the sensation on the scalp shall come back over a period of time.

Long term recovery

  • The hair that had been trimmed from the scalp of the patient shall grow back as per the speed of that individual patient’s hair growth.
  • There can be a shedding phase in some cases and not in others. It depends from person to person and individual characteristics.
  • Around 20% to 30% growth is seen by the 4th to 6th month. By the 8th to 9th month more than 50% of the growth was seen. For the full results to be witnessed on the patient’s scalp after the transplantation surgery it requires around 12 to 18 months.Some of the best hair transplant surgeons in India, according to their experience, the above time for full growth has been recorded.

So for the full results to be seen requires at least a year. The short-term recovery is done within a week. It is very simple and there are no hassles in it.

If a person is preparing for an event where the person would like to show off his results then he should plan for at least a year ahead. It is not possible to get the results before a year.

Previously in the older techniques, the recovery time used to be more and hence it used to be troublesome. However, that has been rectified with newer techniques coming to light. Nowadays we can see professionals who have undergone hair transplantation surgery immediately after joining their offices and carrying on with their responsibilities.

About Eugenix Hair Sciences

Eugenix Hair Sciences is a reputed and well-known Hair Transplant Clinic. So far the clinic has successfully done 1800+ transplants with Grade 6/7 Baldness.

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