Advantages & Disadvantages of Leather Sofa Cleaning ?

advantages and disadvantages of cleaning leather sofa

advantages and disadvantages of cleaning leather sofa

We all are in awe of leather sofas; they have always remained the neighbour’s envy and owner’s pride. From British chesterfield to ultra-modern chic, they come in a variety of design and styles. But this classic piece of furniture needs exceptional care and protection to last for decades. No wonder then leather sofa cleaning in Melbourne is much in demand.

Although cleaning a leather sofa is a hassle-free job, it certainly requires some skill, here is an insight on how you can keep your leather sofa clean.


Use a soft brush to remove any dirt or dust that may have accumulated on your leather sofa. You can use a vacuum cleaner if you want to get rid of the dirt and dust completely. Vacuuming a leather sofa is simple if you know how to do it. You can use a small vacuum cleaner to clean up any spills or dirt. Make sure you remove the cushion covers before vacuuming. Use a soft brush attachment to remove dirt and stains. If you have pets at home, make sure they don’t get on the couch. Make sure you don’t over-vacuum though since you don’t want to damage the fabric of the couch. If you do find yourself having trouble cleaning your leather sofa, try calling an upholstery cleaning service instead.

Damp cloth

If you notice any stains on your leather sofa, then you should first blot them out with a damp cloth. Then, you should apply some furniture polish to the area where the stain was. Once you’ve done this, let the leather dry before moving on to the next step.

Dry cloth

After you’ve cleaned off the stains, you should now use a dry cloth to clean off any remaining dirt or dust. Be careful not to rub too hard, since you don’t need to scratch the surface of the leather.

Scouring pads

Scouring pads are great for removing stubborn stains from any type of surface. You should use a scouring pad specifically designed for cleaning leather surfaces. A scouring pad is a soft material with tiny abrasive particles that help loosen the dirt and grime stuck to the leather. If you don’t have a specific scouring pad designed for leather, try using a toothbrush or scrubbing brush instead.


Detergents are substances that remove dirt from fabrics. There are many different kinds of detergents, including soap-based detergents, synthetic detergents, and enzyme detergents. Soap-based detergents are water-soluble and work well at removing stains; however, they may cause damage to the fabric if not rinsed properly. These types of detergents are good for cleaning leather furniture since they leave no residue behind.

Shampoo cleaning

Shampooing leather couches is easier than you think. First, add leather shampoo to a bucket filled with warm water and let sit for about 10-15 minutes. Then begin scrubbing the couch with a clean sponge. Rinse thoroughly with cold water after removing spots. Avoid harsh chemicals.

Spot Remover

If you notice stains on your leather furniture, try spot removers. These products are safe for leather and won’t affect its colour. To clean a stain, mix equal parts rubbing alcohol and ammonia. Dip a cotton ball in the mixture and rub it onto the affected area. Allow drying completely before applying polish.


For general maintenance, waxing your leather furniture works well. Apply a coat of petroleum jelly to the leather, wait about 5 minutes, then buff until shiny. Repeat several times throughout the year. You can also opt for leather sofa cleaning services to do this job.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is a natural cleaner that works well for cleaning leather. Pour baking soda into a bucket of warm water and allow it to soak overnight. In the morning, rinse off the mixture and wipe away the remaining residue with a damp cloth. Repeat this step once a week to keep your leather looking its best.

Rubbing Alcohol

This is very effective when dealing with ink smears. Just dip a cotton ball in rubbing alcohol and blot the stain. It slowly lifts the ink from the leather. Just use fresh cotton pads until the stain is gone.


To finish cleaning a leather sofa, you need to condition the leather. It’s a good idea to regularly clean leather sofas with specialised products like leather conditioners and leather cleaners. We recommend sticking to cleaners with as little ammonia as possible. This protects and keeps them soft. For a homemade quick fix, all you have to do is mix equal parts vinegar and lemon oil in a bowl. Then wet your cloth and spread them all over your sofa. Let it sit for 24 hours before it dries off completely.

Call the experts

Regular cleaning will help make sure that your leather sofa stays looking good for years to come. However, if you’re not sure how to remove stubborn stains from your couch, you can consult a Spotless Upholstery Cleaning professional. Check out their sofa cleaning options to learn how to breathe new life into worn-out leather sofas.